From Reb Zalman’s 1994 Elat Chayim shiur, “The Next Rung,” Reb Zalman discusses the Patah Eliyahu which you will find below along with Reb Zalman’s translation. Happy Lag B’Omer! Gabbai Seth Fishman, BLOG Editor.

“The Patah Eliyahu is taken from the Tikuney Zohar and is the first point in that book which references the ten S’firot. The Sefer Y’tzirah talks of ten S’firot, but they are a different set than the one here in Patah Eliyahu. So this is the first source of the ten S’firot to which Kabbalah makes reference.

“The author of the Zohar has heard the secrets from the prophet Elijah of how God emanated ten S’firot. The implication is that if one hears it from the prophet then it is a transmission of truth. 

“In any Siddur which has been influenced by Kabbalah, the Patah Eliyahu may be found in a T’filah Kodem Hat’filah / a preparation for prayer in the beginning of the book, and/or before the Minha service on Friday afternoon.

“Once the S’firot are seen in the body, one understands them. As an idea alone, there’s no understanding. In the body, it becomes clear how a thing is held.”

5 Responses to “PATAH ELIYAHU”

  1. sue salinger Says:

    thanks so much for posting this.

  2. nissim nanach Says:

    chazaq we’eematz beavodatekha,
    na nach nachma nachman meuman!

  3. Abraham Yazdi Says:

    Chazaq Baroukh, for a wonderful work. I am certain I will re-read it again and again.

  4. Prof Dr Maurice-Ruben HAYOUN Says:

    Excellent translation.
    I am professor for jewish medieval philosophy and mysticism.
    I have also published in the field of german jewish philosophy.

  5. Menahem Says:


    We Sefardim recite Petah Eliahu daily in Morning and Afternoon services including on Sabbath. It is medicine from Heaven.

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