Libbi u-V'sari – My Heart and My Flesh

Avraham Ibn Ezra


All potent God! You made me

"Alive I am," You told me

Yet no one's eyes can see Me

remaining flesh - alive

my heart and my flesh

they sing to You,

to You the Source of Life!


Brought forth we were by intent

in counsel and consent

yet hidden is what this meant

from us who are alive.


Resplendent in Your glory

all tales are but Your story

praise to You who is pouring

into our souls our life!


How generous on Your side

To teach us laws which guide

those who by them abide

as sources of good life!


Might we be ever right

and live all in the light

what are we but a mite

and yet You give us life!


Born as we are of passion

at times we lack compassion

if only we could fashion

a God-filled way of life!


Near God to be we yearn

From wicked ways to turn

before bodies to dust return

and souls to the Source of Life


Every way will I adore You

my fervent prayer implore You

to open my path before You

to sate my soul with life!


Zeal filled our sires with fervor

do rouse us from our torpor

and help us meet our savior

Of Jesse's stock - in Life!


Remember! we kept Your trust

May Your response be just

and being fair You must

decree us toward life!


Awed am I, amazed at You

my arms I raise in pray'r to You

my mouth will sing its praise to You

O Source and Soul of Life!